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    Info & Tips

    5 Synthetic Ice Uses You Probably Never Thought Of

    5 Synthetic Ice Uses You Probably Never Thought Of

    If you’re a lover of ice sports, you’re not alone but you were probably never introduced to the many synthetic ice uses.

    According to Statistics, there are over 15 million skiers and 3 million hockey players in the country.

    More than 4.5 billion dollars get spent on hockey alone.

    Ice sports are here to stay!

    Unfortunately, some sports are seasonal, and others may be hard to access.

    To solve that problem, inventors created substitutes like synthetic ice.

    However, these artificial ice panels have practical uses beyond skating for fun or practice. 

    What is Synthetic Ice?

    Artificial ice or synthetic ice are panels made of a robust and stable polymer that’s used for skating.

    The panels are made in the form of interlocking tiles that can cover most surfaces.

    Skaters can then use their metal skates to enjoy their favorite “ice” sports. 

    The panels often come infused with a compound that reduces friction, perfect for ice skating.

    Non-infused panels also exist and are quite common on the market.

    These panels often need a liquid gliding agent applied from time to time.

    Artificial ice panels are durable, easy to clean and get better the more you skate on them.

    Setting Up Your Synthetic Ice Panels


    synthteic ice


    These panels can be set up in almost any space; the only limit to synthetic ice uses is your imagination.

    You can create a skating strip in your driveway.

    Or you can make a complete ice rink in your garage or spare room.

    Set up takes less than an hour, depending on the size of the space.

    If the ground is uneven, a flat plywood base works best.

    Grab a friend if needed, and enjoy creating a remarkable ice space.

    You may be thinking of using the artificial ice space solely for ice skating or ice hockey for your family.

    Yet, there are a few additional uses that are both fun and practical.

    Here are 5 to consider.

    1. Staying In Shape




    You may be skating to enjoy your favorite ice sport.

    However, you can use your synthteic ice to work out!

    With limited access to the gym, people are looking for helpful ways to say in shape.

    Skating is a low-impact form of exercise, giving great aerobic and anaerobic benefits.

    Over time, you’ll have a stronger core, quads, calf muscles, and better balance.

    With the added friction that naturally comes with synthetic ice, you’ll get stronger, faster. 

    Five Helpful Ice Skating Exercises:

    • Hops: Jumping in ice skates can be challenging. Practice small hops, either laterally, straight in the air, or front to back. Hops strengthen core, calf muscles, and improves balance.
    • Pistol Squats: Bend down balancing on one skate, extending the other leg out. Pistol squats work glutes, core, ankle strength, and overall lower body power.
    • Shoot The Duck: How about taking those squats to the next level? Build up a little speed, then crouch as low as possible. Stick one leg out while you glide on the other leg. You get all the benefits of the pistol squat while building endurance.
    • Ice Skating Lunge: Get low with a lunge while skating to strengthen the legs and glutes. Lunges on-ice look different from lunges in the gym. The back leg extends instead of bends. Leave the blade off the floor and the toes pointing away from you. Make sure to keep your upper body nice and tall.
    • Sprints: How fast can you go in 30 seconds? Improve your endurance, strength, and conditioning with some quick sprints. Set two markers a few feet apart. Then start from one end and sprint to the other. Stop, turn, and sprint back to the starting position. Keep the intensity for 30 seconds, taking 60 seconds rest. Repeat the exercise for 4-5 rounds. 

    Add skating at least once a week into your workout routine.

    According to the Harvard Medical School, 30 minutes of ice skating or ice hockey can burn over 300 calories.

    Maintain the same pace on the artificial ice.

    Soon, you can increase the speed and complexity of your skating.

    It’s a great way to relieve stress and manage weight. Don’t forget to cool down!

    2. A Creative Source Of Income


    synthetic ice uses


    If there’s one thing that these last few years taught us is that we can’t rely on one stream of income.

    Just in case something happens to our jobs, we have something to fall back on.

    If you already have a synthetic ice rink in your home, why not leverage that space for a little extra cash showing the many different synthetic ice uses? 

    Teach Skating Classes

    Are you a skillful skater?

    If you have the ability or hockey experience, teach a paid beginner class.

    You can have a couple of adults come over to your space to learn some skating basicsoOr you can teach kids some hockey basics.

    If the distance is an issue, try using a video conferencing program like Zoom. 

    Hold Skating Meetups

    If you have a big enough ice rink in your back yard,  you can even create a game night with sports like curling. Let a small group come in and pay a cover.

    We’re all looking for ways to have fun while being safe.

    Over time, the rink pays for itself and gives you a handy side hustle income.

    Start a Skating Blog or YouTube Channel.

    Blogging and YouTube are two popular income-generating activities.

    These platforms are a great way to teach, at scale.

    Create some content around skating and ice hockey.

    Talk about your artificial ice journey, teach skating drills, and give tips and tricks.

    Don’t overthink this.

    Start with a phone camera or a simple blogging platform like WordPress or Medium.

    Over time, you can monetize the content through adds or affiliate links.

    This is not only a great income stream but a passive income stream as well.

    3. Creating Your Own Amateur Curling Team



    Speaking of curling, how about starting your own team?

    Curling seems to be the sport that uninitiated pokes fun at around the Winter Olympics.

    But the game has existed for hundreds of years and is very popular.

    Curling takes endurance, teamwork,  and a sharp mind.

    There are even synthetic ice curling rinks that you can install in your home.

    Curling is an excellent opportunity to get your friends or family involved, and over time, you can even find some amateur tournaments to participate shortly.

    4. Trying An Unknown Ice Sport

    There’s more to ice sports than ice skating, curling, and hockey.

    With your artificial ice rink, you can explore sports you never heard before. 




    Try Your Hand at Ringette

    Have you ever heard of Ringette? Ringette is a sport made in Canada in the 1960s.

    It’s similar to hockey in that it has six players and same protective equipment.

    However, ringette players use a specially designed straight stick and rubber ring. 

    The sport encourages minimal contact, and players have a 30-second shot clock.

    The game consists of zones with the offensive zone, which is played three on 3.

    While popular in Canda and mainly a girl sport, anyone can pick it up and enjoy it.

    Try Ringette with your kids or invite a few friends over to give it a shot.

    Broomball Anyone?

    Broomball combines hockey with a little soccer for a fun game anyone can enjoy.

    Six players compete with a stick that has a broom-shaped head and a rubber ball.

    The goal is to outscore your opponent! A big difference is that broomball players have special shoes with a rubber sole to help with traction.

    Full broomball games take defense and attack strategies into consideration, like hockey and soccer. 

    Broomball can get a bit physical like ice hockey and has similar equipment -  like helmets and shin pads -  for protection.

    It’s a great way to get friends to use your artificial ice without investing in skates or other expensive equipment. 

    5. A Home Ice Training Tool For Kids


    home schooling


    What do homeschooling and artificial ice have in common?

    It can be a great teaching tool.

    Homeschooling has picked up some traction over the last decade, with over 2.2 million homeschooled kids today.

    Expect that number to skyrocket during and after the pandemic. 

    Homeschooling helps parents incorporate a nice mix of learning styles.

    This allows kids to outperform others in tests like SATs. 

    Ice hockey or skating could be a great addition to physical education.

    Invite other homeschooled kids in the area to build relationships and teamwork.

    This can help your kids develop critical thinking skills, leadership skills, and mental sharpness that can translate to the real world. 


    If you have a synthetic ice rink, these are some ways you can keep it fresh and exciting.

    If you’re thinking about artificial ice, know that there are several other uses besides ice hockey and skating.

    Try it as a way to stay in shape or make some extra cash.

    The health and financial benefits make it an investment rather than a form of leisure.

    More importantly, it can be used to bring family and friends together.

    If you need help choosing, maintaining, or setting up your artificial ice tiles, contact us today.

    Take a look at some of our most popular rink packages!

    PolyGlide Ice - Home Ice Tiles

    PolyGlide Ice - Pro-Glide Panels


    Keep on Skating! 

    Jim Loughran, PolyGlide Ice

    The 7 Ways Synthetic Ice Tiles Can Save You Money

    The 7 Ways Synthetic Ice Tiles Can Save You Money

    There are so many ways that synthetic ice tiles can save you money and makes the investment well worth it..

    Sometimes it's important to take a look at the big picture to totally understand how unlimited access to ice time can put money back in your pocket.

    Take a minute to look over the seven ways you can save to understand the total value by purchasing synthetic ice tiles for your home.

    When putting together your checklist be sure to counter-balance the cost against all the ways your home rink can save you money with synthetic ice tiles .

    1 – Travel

    travel to the ice rink

    There’s no doubt that the number one reason people consider purchasing synthetic ice tiles is to save on travel.

    We all know the typical costs associated with travel including fuel, tolls, bus, train, maintenance and repairs that all add-up with each mile traveled.

    We found out recently that the “typical” drive to the rink for most parents was not quite what we had originally expected. T

    o try to get an idea of just how much the average hockey player and skater family travels to the rink weekly, monthly and annually, we posed the following question to our facebook followers:

    How Far Do You Travel Back-And-Forth to the Rink Every Week, Month and Year on the Average?

    Here’s a few Responses that do a Good Job at Summing it up:

    • Dana C.: We have three (not so) local rinks; one is 36 minutes to the East, one is 40 minutes West, and the third is 44 minutes West. At least that's what map-quest will tell you. But like Sammy Hagar, I can't drive 55. (but I do now because I got a ticket last week). I've got 2 boys, 5 teams, practices and clinics. Average 5/6 days a week driving to at least one rink. Saturdays can be all three. Since Star Trek transporters aren't available, PolyGlide could be a real help to our fuel economy as well as the boys' game.
    • Jennifer C.: Two kids. Two different rinks, sometimes on the same day 40 mins apart. So, drop one off, drop the other off, go back and pick up 1, then get two. Those days, probably 70 miles. The other days, 30 miles roundtrip for practice, 80-120 miles roundtrip for games. Average 5-7 days at the rinks. I *use* to get the low mileage discount on my insurance lol
    • Andrea R.: 220 to 420 miles a week depending on which team (my daughter plays on all girls league and the co-ed team). For an 8-month season it's between 880-1680 miles a month, 7,040-13,440 miles a season of travel. During the summer months we do dry land on rollerblades since our town only have ice Oct thru May.

    Cost Assessment

    empty pocket budget

    So now ask yourself the same question and see if you can estimate how many miles you plan on traveling to the rink between now and next year.

    At the time of this writing, the one-year cost estimator for a gallon of gas is $3.36 USD.

    So, in estimating our three responses above using 8 months per season and 20 mpg as the average, the breakdown would show that Dana C. would take home the Gold Medal for stops at the gas pump:

    • Dana C, 800 gallons $2,984
    • Jennifer C., 592 gallons $2,208
    • Andrea R., 512 gallons $1,910

    Once you’re able to see how much you’ve been spending on travel you can get a better idea on how you can trim it back by creating your own home training rink.

    2 – Time

    wasted time spent traveling to the rink

    How do you value your time?

    Unlike materialistic things, time is something we never get back though we sure know how to throw it away.

    It is something we cherish, and it passes WAY too fast.

    Though travel may be the most popular reason people consider purchasing synthetic ice tiles, it’s the travel time that can wear us down and is lost forever.

    Players and Skaters

    For players and skaters, by training at home they can eliminate some of that extra travel and afford themselves more time for other things.

    More time for homework, chores, games and just plain fun with that time usually spent on the road traveling to the rink.

    Maybe even more time for an early family dinner and getting to bed at a decent hour and a good night’s sleep.


    Walter Gretzky, Father of the “Great One” Wayne Gretzky once said:

    Everyone wonders why I made the rink in the backyard.

    I used to go to the outdoor rinks when winters were a lot colder years ago.

    Everybody had an outdoor rink, the Parks and everybody.

    I used to sit in the car while Wayne was skating.

    I remember one night I came home to my wife and said,

    “This is so stupid, I go to these outdoor rinks and freeze to death night after night…you know what I’m going to do?.…

    I’ll make a rink in the backyard he’ll go when he wants as long as he wants….I’ll be in the house where it’s nice and warm.” …It truly, truly was self-preservation but it worked-out pretty good!

    For parents, not having to rush home to get your child to practice can allow yourself more time to be productive at work or with your own business which itself can translate into additional revenue.

    Having just a few extra hours each week to address your business or personal needs adds up and helps make life a little easier even if it’s just to kick back, relax and stay warm.

    Analyze your schedule and see how you can trim back your trips to the rink by having your player or skater train at home.

    Attached a value to your time per hour saved and challenge yourself to come up with an annual plan.

    You will be astonished when you find out just how much time you have been wasting and how much you can start to save.

    3 – Lessons

    coaches whistle

    Let’s face it, everyone wants to be the next “Great One” or “Alina Zagitova” and will take endless lessons and training to try to get there.

    The need to build a solid foundation by learning the fundamentals are critical for any player or skater’s development and taking lessons from an accomplished Coach will lead them on the right path. 

    Just as important is the child’s need to develop on their own to keep it fun and enjoyable enough to want to get better.

    By allowing a child more time to develop and love the sport they follow on their own will only nurture their desire to want to get better.

    As mentioned previously, the worlds most accomplished Ice Hockey Player of all time started learning the game on his own backyard rink.

    Give your child the time and space to try out new moves or jumps on their own without being on a clock, watched or judged.

    When training in their own home environment you will quickly see how dedicated they are to their sport.

    The overall need for additional lessons once the skill sets have been taught will become fewer and fewer as the athlete progresses.

    Some Coaches may offer home lessons if they know you have your own home rink and may actually charge you less as they don’t have to pay an additional fee to the rink for the ice time.

    Any cost savings associated with self-teaching at home will put more money in the pocket of the parent that utilizes home training to their child’s advantage.

    4 – Camps & Clinics


    As with lessons, Camps and Clinics are organized group lessons that can be both a huge help and at the same time a detriment if not implemented properly.

    Sad to say, some facilities will run camps and clinics just to fill the open ice to bring in additional revenue for the rink so be sure to make sure it’s an established program with a history.

    There is a Social element that comes with attending camps as sometimes a child may want to attend for recreation, team building or because a friend may be going which is understandable.

    The price tag for some camps and clinics can be quite costly and would provide a huge savings to anyone owning their own home rink.

    For the purpose of player development, it always will be the amount of time they practice on a weekly basis that will beat out any short-term camp or clinic.

    Many portable home rink packages can be purchased for the same price as sleep-away summer camp and will provide a year-round “endless summer” of ice for any skating athlete.

    5 – Off-Ice Training

    hockey gear for off ice training

    Another great thing about owning your own synthetic ice rink is that it can be utilized as a multi-purpose surface unlike natural ice.

    If a player or skater wants to just come home and work on their shot or spins without lacing-up it’s an added luxury to have with synthetic ice tiles.

    They can create their own personal off-ice training program to address their specific needs.

    Off-Ice training has grown tremendously in popularity in recent years with the advancement of synthetic ice surfaces as facilities continue to pop-up throughout the USA and Canada.

    Having your own home training center is like having your own “ice gym” that you can utilize anytime you want without relying on group workout schedules or ice time.

    By creating your own “Home Ice Gymyou are just one step ahead of the competition when it comes to strength and conditioning.

    It does not require a lot of space to get in your edgework and drills.

    Think of your new synthetic ice rink as your own private training center less the annual membership fee.

    6 – Value

    price and value of synthetic ice

    One thing that many customers don’t realize is that synthetic ice is a unique product that retains its value over the lifetime of the surface and can easily be resold as “Used” if maintained properly.

    In fact, many rink surfaces are re-sold at more than 50% the original cost allowing customers to recoup a good part of their original investment without losing much value.

    When combined with many of the other cost-saving characteristics that synthetic ice tiles offer, depending on the overall size of the rink, the surface may well eventually pay for itself.

    Be sure to properly maintain and keep your rink in good shape in case one day down the road you decide to cash-in on your investment.

    Save the receipts from your original purchase along with warranty information.

    7 – Long Lasting


    Synthetic ice tiles are a Green” product in every sense of the word.

    As opposed to traditional ice facilities that burn hundreds of thousands of dollars on electricity for refrigeration systems and compressors, synthetic ice burns zero fossil fuels.

    You will never have to worry about your electric bill after purchasing synthetic ice tiles.

    Because of the durability of the polymer plastic, it has quite a long-life expectancy outside of just surface scratches from ice skating.

    It is also portable and reusable year after year without the need for liners or leveling.

    No special boards, accessories or pins are required for the PolyGlide Synthetic Ice one-piece interlocking system that can be assembled and disassembled in a short period of time.

    There’s also a lot less labor involved as compared to traditional rink systems and natural ice rink liner systems that depend on additional accessories, leveling and Mother Nature for ice.


    As you can see with synthetic ice there are many ways you can efficiently reap the rewards from your investment.

    Consider all the ways you can utilize a home synthetic ice rink to improve as a player and skater in the comfort of your own home without relying on your local rink for ice time.

    Look at the big picture and soon you’ll understand there’s no reason why you can’t better your skill sets and save money at the same time.

    When you lay out just where you’ve been spending your time and money it starts to make sense that purchasing synthetic ice tiles for the home can be a great overall investment and asset.

    Synthetic Ice Gaining Worldwide Acceptance

    Basement Synthetic Ice Rink

    If we were to guess, these next few years will be transformative ones for the synthetic ice industry as a whole.

    For starters, the Covid pandemic has transformed the way we operate.

    Other social issues have transformed the lives of Americans overnight.

    And while many areas have reduced restrictions, millions of people are still having to deal with the after effects of the pandemic..

    It definitely has changed the way we shop, eat, work, and even entertain ourselves.

    At the same time, it has opened opportunities for innovative ways to flourish while at home.

    That’s why we think that this is the year of the synthetic ice rink.


    What’s Artificial Ice Anyway?

    synthetic ice rink


    What if there was a way to ice skate without going to an actual ice rink?

    Artificial ice or synthetic ice gives avid ice skaters that ability and much more.

    An artificial ice rink is made of synthetic polymer panels.

    These panels interlock to form a space that anyone can skate.

    The panels have evolved over the years to have a better skating experience.


    With PolyGlide Ice, there’s only a 10% difference between ice skating and artificial ice.

    Creating your ice rink has become more comfortable and more accessible.

    With that said, here are some reasons why this is the year to develop your arena using synthetic ice panels or tiles.


    Ice skating enthusiasts are concerned about health and safety.


    covid hockey


    Unfortunately, the pandemic has created concern for the skating community.

    Throughout the pandemic, many ice rinks were unavailable, making skating nearly impossible.

    Even with the reopening of some areas, parents and ice skating enthusiasts alike are still concerned about health and safety.

    By choosing to set up a synthetic ice rink in the backyard, spare room, or basement, skaters can still enjoy their passions in a safe space.

    Don’t worry, with tools like Zoom, ice-skaters, and hockey players can even connect with coaches and trainers!

    Pivoting to stay afloat

     The coaching and training profession has been struck, and not only in the ice skating field.

    Coaches were no longer able to host in-person group sessions, or open their training centers

    Even as things have resumed - at it has in many states - students will be skeptical to start back classes in the short term.

    This puts a financial strain on trainers. Technology helps trainers pivot and profit.

    Imagine a hockey trainer can give lessons from his home, demonstrating techniques to students on artificial ice panels.

    Many teachers have found it difficult to keep their current students.

    By building an online presence, it gives them incredible reach, exposing them to students out of state or in other countries. 

    Keeping kids engaged throughout the extended break.

    The lockdown has brought a list of challenges, with an added challenge for parents.

    Kids have been home for months.

    These kids don’t only need to keep up learning.

    They need to keep active, engaged, and try different activities.

    At the same time, parents still need time to adjust to working from home.

    No parent wants their kids in front of an I-pad for 9 hours a day.

    An artificial ice rink is a creative way to encourage play for the kids.

    The kids can enjoy skating while staying healthy and exploring a passion for sports like hockey or ice-skating.

    And parents can reclaim some time to navigate remote work. 

    A new way to stay active 

    Adults are home and need exciting yet creative ways to stay active.

    With limited access to many gyms, many fitness enthusiasts have been working out at home.

    Unfortunately, exercise equipment like weights, kettlebells, and bands are hard to find.

    The lockdown caused a boom that gym equipment businesses are unable to keep up.

    And while running on a treadmill works, it can get a bit boring!

    Persons who did not consider skating as a form of exercise are doing so now.

    Skating is an exciting way to build endurance, strengthen the legs, and core muscles.

    An artificial ice rink allows users to build up a sweat, learn a new skill, and have lots of fun! 

    Training during a pandemic

    The pandemic certainly put the sporting world on hold.

    Even professional sports had to get creative to return to action.

    The NHL has also got creative with the season resuming in July.

    Professional hockey players who weren't part of the playoffs had an opportunity to come back stronger than ever.

    A great start for any skater is to get an artificial ice rink installed in their homes.

    One significant advantage of the rink is the positive resistance compared to natural ice.

    This means not only a prepared athlete but a stronger one.

    The figure skating season also had an abrupt end, with cancellations of the World Championships.

    While the season resumed on July 1st, some events for the new season have already been canceled.

    Skaters will need space to train and may not have immediate access to facilities.

    This can bring an increased demand for artificial ice surfaces.

    We haven’t even talked about the persons at Junior levels.

    Organizers have canceled the next two stops of the Junior Grand Prix.

    They will need to stay fresh and passionate about their sport.

    And there’s no better way than having direct access to skating.

    Let your creativity shine.

    Quarantine has opened up a host of new hobbies, from gardening, jewelry making, to baking lots of banana bread.

    How about building out your very own synthetic ice rink?

    Feed that creativity, while setting up a space for family and friends to enjoy.

    It’s a gratifying experience, and who knows?

    You can even host a small skating party if the area is big enough (remember the pandemic rules that apply to your state). 

    Setting up Your Synthetic ice rink

    Getting your ice rink down is a quick and easy process.

    However, it does take some initial planning. Follow these steps to start skating in no time:

    • Figure out the space for the synthetic ice (e.g., basement, driveway, garage, deck, or backyard)
    • Measure the space before purchasing your synthetic ice rink. You can compare your area with the available tiles. This saves both time and money. In some cases, the panels can be custom cut to avoid too many interlocking tiles. 
    • Make sure the surface is level for a better skating experience. If needed, get some plywood. Plywood sets up a smooth foundation to lay the tiles.
    • If filling a room, leave a space at the edges to compensate for swelling during hot months.
    • Based on the type of tile, consider investing in a slip conditioner. This liquid helps condition the surface after cleaning and extends the life of the tiles.

    A brand-new way to connect

    curling artificial ice rink


    One thing we’ve recognized providing others with synthetic ice is the uncanny way it brings people together.

    A synthetic ice rink brings families together.

    Brothers and sisters build bonds playing hockey, even when things get a bit competitive.

    It can help develop more reliable connections with couples learning to skate or help coaches and players achieve a common goal.

    You can even set up a Curling rink.

    Curling is a fun way to get the most out of your artificial panels.

    The sport has its detractors, but it’s great when friends and family come over to enjoy your company and get a bit competitive.

    We need to stay connected now more than ever.


    Getting your winter vacation fix

    artificial ice rink vacation


    Planes have been grounded for months and will slowly return to operation.

    The grounded planes brought leisure travel to a screeching halt.

    According to, 23% of Americans prefer winter vacations.

    While it sounds strange, some persons just don’t have access to cold conditions.

    In some cases, they’ve done it all, so why not a winter getaway?

    Many go not just for the skiing and snowboarding, but for the opportunity to enjoy an ice skating experience.

    The pandemic derailed plans this past winter and also brings uncertainty for the rest of the year.

    While you won’t get your snow fix, you can still enjoy a bit of skating this year with an artificial ice rink. 



    There are several reasons to jump on the artificial ice rink train.

    For starters, it’s a great way to enjoy ice skating with limited spaces opened.

    The pandemic has been challenging, but it does not mean we can’t get to do the things we love.

    By setting up an artificial ice rink at home, professionals, amateurs, juniors can still learn and improve in their respective ice fields. 

    Kids also get incredible benefits from an artificial ice rink.

    If you want to start your kids with hockey or keep up their training, a dedicated space at home works best.

    It also brings some variety in an area that can turn frustrating during the quarantine.

    That aside, 2020 & 2021 were certainly years of growth and change.

    That means learning new things and having fun along the way.

    Some persons can even start a New Year’s resolution to ice skate, just in a different, yet fun way.

    This year will motivate others to try new things like synthetic ice skating.

    Are you ready to give it a shot, too?

    If you need help with choosing the right synthetic ice for your new rink, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for help. 

    Take a look at some of our most popular rink packages!

    PolyGlide Ice - Home Ice Tiles

    PolyGlide Ice - Pro-Glide Panels


    Keep on Skating! 

    Jim Loughran, PolyGlide Ice

    10 Ways To Go Green With Synthetic Ice

    10 Ways To Go Green With Synthetic Ice

    We can't help but think about how we could do our part and explain how you can go green with synthetic ice. 

    Some recent statistics show that we have a long way to go to help our environment.

    The energy consumed in homes contributes to almost one-quarter of greenhouse gas emissions.

    More than 8 million people die every year due to air pollution.

    So what do these things have to do with ice skating?

    Skating involves putting on some boots with blades and moving across the ice.

    It may not seem like it, but ice skating also impacts the Earth in its own way.

    As a company focused on serving skaters around the country (and the world), we know firsthand what it takes to run a large ice rink, and we know what it takes to start your own ice rink at home.

    As the saying goes, every drop fills the bucket.

    Regardless of your niche, there is something you can do to help. Y

    You can go green with synthetic ice.

    Here are ten tips that can help you do your part to stay green and nurture your environment while still enjoying your time on the ice.



    1. Invest in Energy-Saving Bulbs For Your At-Home Rink

    Since the 2020 pandemic, there has been a rise in at-home skating rinks.

    With public and private rinks closed, skaters needed some way to train or enjoy their favorite pastime.

    These at-home rinks, like their larger counterparts, take up their fair share of energy.

    For instance, the family could install floodlights for skating at night if the rink is outdoors.

    There may be other lighting options for indoor skating as well.

    Installing energy-saving lightbulbs is one of the simplest (and best) ways to go green while skating.

    Eco-friendly light bulbs can save up to 75% of energy consumption compared to incandescent light bulbs.

    Swap them out on your floodlights or in the room for your indoor rink.

    You’ll even save some money on the electric bill!

    2. Manage Energy Consumption When You’re Not Skating

    Going green means taking care of your environment, even when you’re not skating.

    After packing up your skates for the day, make sure to do your best to keep energy consumption at a minimum.

    Start by switching off your eco-friendly lights when you’re done. 

    If you have a refrigerated ice rink, you’ll need to consume large amounts of energy even when you’re not on the ice.

    The ice rink has to stay on to keep the rink frozen, similar to the refrigerator in your kitchen.

    It’s constantly removing heat and adding cold through its compressor and chiller.

    Over the winter months, your ice rink can consume lots of energy.

    Make sure to invest in an energy-efficient refrigeration system.

    Get sound advice from the service provider, making sure to select the equipment that saves energy and helps the environment, even when it’s not in use.


    Synthetic Ice Rink

    3. Opt For A Home Synthetic Ice Rink Instead Of Refrigerated

    If you’re concerned about the carbon footprint of a refrigerated rink, why not go for something else?

    A synthetic ice rink is a durable, polyethylene material that you can skate on with regular metal skates.

    Synthetic rinks are quite popular for malls and special events.

    Today, companies like ours have optimized these rinks to fit almost any space.

    The rink comes in panels that connect like puzzle pieces and can work on most flat surfaces.

    That means no energy consumption, costly maintenance, and a healthier environment.

    Some refrigerated ice rinks are chilled with ammonia or R-22, both of which can be toxic.

    Leaks can sometimes go undetected, sending harmful gases into the air.

    These can also require more energy to pump through the rink (though there are more cost-effective options like brine or glycol).

    Opting for synthetic instead of refrigerated is the ultimate green approach to ice skating at home.

    4. Natural Rinks Are Great, But You Can Save Water.

    Okay, so you’ve decided to ditch the refrigerated rink and go for a natural rink instead.

    Natural rinks use the elements to freeze water, starting at the “first freeze” during winter.

    To make a natural rink, you’ll have to build a large frame, fill it with water and let the elements do their thing. 

    While it’s a lot more energy efficient than a refrigerated rink, there is still a large amount of water needed to fill the rink.

    The average American home of four uses about 260 gallons of ice water a day.

    A standard ice rink can take about 10,000 gallons or more.

    Switching to a synthetic ice rink can save gallons of water in filling and resurfacing your rink. 


    Friend Skate


    5. Encourage Friends And Family To Skate On Your Home Rink.

    If you have an at-home rink, nothing’s better than having fun with your family playing hockey or figure skating.

    But you should also invite your friends!

    Not only is it fun to build relationships and competition on the ice, but it’s also a great way to go green.

    Rather than everyone going to separate rinks or using energy in their separate spaces, they can all save energy by skating on your rink instead.

    6. Support Your Local Business For Equipment And Accessories

    Whether you have a synthetic ice rink, refrigerated, or natural, you need more than ice to skate.

    Do you have the proper ice skates?

    If you’re playing hockey, you’ll need pucks, sticks, goals, and other training equipment.

    Where do you get your stuff?

    You can hop online and buy your stuff on Amazon, which can add to your carbon footprint.

    Or you can support your local skate business!

    Not only can you help your local business, but you can also get a little greener reducing the distance it takes to get your gear.


    Old Equipment


    7. Consider recycling or donating old skates and equipment.

    Recycling is one of the best ways to impact your environment.

    According to Eco-Friendly Habits, “for every one ton of recycled paper, 17 trees, 2 barrels of oils, and 4,100 kilowatts of energy are saved.”

    On the flip side, we produce millions of tonnes of plastic waste each year.

    If you have used skates or equipment, you can find ways to recycle or reuse your equipment.

    Or maybe you’ve outgrown your gently used gear. 

    Start by looking for organizations that take sports equipment donations.

    Or you can find ways to recycle or dispose of your gear sustainably. T

    ake things a step further and gather used equipment from your friends and teammates that you can donate to others that need your help.

    8. Use Green Or Energy-Saving Techniques When Maintaining Your Gear.

    Taking care of your gear is another essential part of being a skater.

    You’ll have hockey clothing, figure skates, and other pieces of equipment.

    You can find simple ways to go greener while taking care of your gear. Use an energy-efficient washer and dryer. Clean your gear with organic cleaning products.

    If you need to resurface your synthetic ice rink, you can use our non-toxic, environmentally safe slip surface conditioner.

    These are simple ways to stay green and clean!

    9. Save Time, Energy, And Money By Investing In A Skate Sharpener.

    Sharpening your skates is a critical part of skating.

    You’ll need to keep them sharp, especially when you’re using synthetic ice.

    To do so will take you time and energy to head over to your local shop.

    Over time, sharpening your skates can add up.

    If you’re skating several times a week, consider investing in your own home sharpener.

    It seems like a small step, but it can help you be just a bit greener.


    Green Products


    10. Support Sustainable Skating Equipment And Brands

    Finally, you can do your part by investing in sustainable, non-toxic, and environmentally friendly products.

    For instance, some brands don’t involve animal skin or products in their materials.

    You can also try hockey uniforms or figure staking uniforms that use sustainable materials or make sure to lower their carbon footprint.

    Take the time to research and choose the brands that align with your choices. 


    No matter what you do, there’s a way to make the Earth a better place.

    We continue to use more power and plastics than we need and everything we do can have a long-term impact on the environment.

    Some of the simple ways you can start is finding ways to recycle, reuse, save energy, and support those doing the same. 

    One of the best ways ice skaters can do this is to opt for synthetic ice.

    Synthetic ice saves significant energy compared to refrigerated ice and water compared to traditional rinks.

    At Polyglide Ice, we could do our part, like providing non-toxic, environmentally friendly products to our customers.

    You’ll also have the opportunity to skate longer throughout the year and invite others to your rink.

    What are some of the ways you’ll stay green? 

    Take a second and check out some of our most popular rink packages!

    PolyGlide Ice - Home Ice Tiles

    PolyGlide Ice - Pro-Glide Panels


    Keep on Skating! 

    Jim Loughran, PolyGlide Ice


    How to Set-up Your Own Home Curling Rink

    How to Set-up Your Own Home Curling Rink
    Have you seen curling on TV and you're not sure what it is? It's an amazing sport that requires skill and critical thinking. Best of all, you can now enjoy it with your own home curling rink. Here's why you should take on the sport today.

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