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    Info & Tips

    A Comprehensive Guide to Off-Ice Figure Skating Training

    A Comprehensive Guide to Off-Ice Figure Skating Training

    Off-ice training is a crucial aspect of figure skating that should not be overlooked when considering your workout program as an amatuer or professional skater.

    It is an essential part of a skater's overall training program that complements on-ice practice.

    Create Your Own Off-Ice Training Program At Home With Polyglide Synthetic Ice

    Off-ice training helps skaters to improve their overall athleticism, strength, balance, and flexibility, which can enhance their on-ice performance and conditioning.

    Off-Ice Training Fundamentals

    Off-ice training is a crucial part of figure skating and brings many advantages for any level of skater.

    It helps keep them safe and prevents injuries when they're on the ice.

    Skaters participating in off-ice training regularly reduce their chances of getting hurt during practice or competition.

    Moreover, off-ice training is famous for its ability to enhance physical fitness by boosting cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, and flexibility.

    This is particularly important for figure skaters, who must be in top shape to successfully pull off their routines.

    Another perk of off-ice training is that it can improve performance on the ice so try your best to make it a fun experience.

    So, it's definitely worth considering for any serious figure skater out there.

    Skaters participating in off-ice training programs can develop the necessary skills and strength to perform more complex jumps, spin positions, and footwork.

    training fundementals

    Off-ice training is a significant factor for figure skaters as it can greatly enhance their performance and assist them in achieving their objectives all the way up to the more complex triple jumps.

    Plus, off-ice training allows skaters to mix things up with other activities to improve their fitness and "level-up" their degree in figure skating.

    Consider yoga, Pilates, ballet, and dance as these can help build flexibility, balance, and core strength, all key to nailing those tricky moves on the ice.

    And get this: off-ice training can also help with mental focus, essential for mastering those complex jumps and spins.

    When skaters regularly engage in off-ice training, it builds mental toughness that helps them push through challenges and stay focused during practice and competition.

    Off-ice training is necessary for figure skaters who want to stay injury-free, physically fit, and mentally sharp.

    If you're serious about taking your ice skating to the next level, it's best to work with a qualified coach or trainer who has experience with figure skaters.

    The coach or trainer should create a lesson or classes (ballet, rotation, core strength) that is tailored to the individual skater's needs and goals.

    Off-ice training plays a crucial role in the development of figure skaters, as it can significantly improve their performance and aid in the achievement of their goals to advance through the levels of skating.

    strength training for figure skaters

    Strength Training for Figure Skaters

    Strength training constitutes a vital component of off-ice training for competitive figure skaters, as it fosters the development of muscles that are essential for executing jumps, spins, and footwork on the ice.

    Moreover, strength training classes or lessons can serve to mitigate the likelihood of injuries and enhance overall athletic performance and skating routine.

    Importance of a Strength Training Program

    • Muscle Development: Ice skating demands substantial muscle strength, primarily in the legs, core muscles, and upper body. Engaging in strength training aids in developing these muscles, thereby augmenting power and explosiveness on the ice.
    • Injury Mitigation: The cultivation of robust muscles can help reduce injury risk, particularly in the knees, ankles, and hips, which are commonly susceptible areas for figure skaters.
    • Improved Performance: Strong muscles allow figure skaters to execute more complex jumps, spins, and footwork, which can improve overall performance and scores.

      Types of Strength Training and Conditioning

      Many types of strength training exercises can be beneficial for figure skaters to improve their performance and skating skills.

      Some of the most effective include:

      • Plyometric Exercises: These are explosive power movements that help to build power and strength, such as box jumps, jump squats, and single-leg jumps.
      • Bodyweight Exercises: These exercises use the body's own weight to build strength, such as push-ups, squats, and lunges.
      • Weight Lifting: This involves using weights or resistance bands to build strength, such as bench presses, deadlifts, and bicep curls.
        plyometric workout

        Body Form and Technique Exercises

        Proper form and position are essential for effective and safe strength training.

        Here are some tips for performing strength training exercises with proper form:

        • Keep your core engaged in protecting your lower back.
        • Use a full range of motion for each exercise.
        • Use proper breathing techniques, exhaling on the exertion and inhaling on the release.
        • Avoid overloading the weight, which can lead to injury.

          Recommended Power Sets and Sample Routine

          It is important to perform a sufficient number of sets and repetitions to get the most out of strength training,

          Here is a recommended set and repetition range for figure skaters:

          • Three sets of 8-12 reps for plyometric exercises
          • Three sets of 12-15 reps for bodyweight exercises
          • Three sets of 8-10 reps for weight lifting exercises

          Here is a sample routine for figure skaters that incorporates strength training:

          • Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of cardio (such as jogging or jumping jacks)
          • Plyometric Exercises: Box jumps (3 sets of 8-12 reps), jump squats (3 sets of 8-12 reps), single leg jumps (3 sets of 8-12 reps on each leg)
          • Bodyweight Exercises: Push-ups (3 sets of 12-15 reps), squats (3 sets of 12-15 reps), lunges (3 sets of 12-15 reps on each leg)
          • Weight Lifting: Bench press (3 sets of 8-10 reps), deadlifts (3 sets of 8-10 reps), bicep curls (3 sets of 8-10 reps)
          • Cool-down: 5-10 minutes of stretching


            In summary, the incorporation of strength training exercises into off-ice training routines is a crucial aspect for figure skaters overall conditioning.

            This training helps to cultivate muscles, prevent injuries, and elevate overall performance.

            By undertaking strength training exercises in their off-ice training regimens, figure skaters can enhance their strength, power, and explosiveness when performing on the ice.

            Flexibility Training for Figure Skaters and Athletes

            Flexibility constitutes a fundamental element of figure skating, given that it allows skaters to execute a more extensive range of motion and perform more fluid movements.

            Furthermore, flexibility plays a critical role in injury prevention, as taut muscles and joints can be predisposed to injuries.

            Here are four tips on how figure skaters can improve their flexibility:

            1. Dynamic stretching: This type of stretching involves movement, such as leg swings or lunges, and is best done as part of a warm-up routine before ice skating or training to avoid injury (Be sure to stretch those hamstring muscles).
            2. Static stretching: This type of stretching involves holding a position for a set period of time, such as a seated straddle or hamstring stretch. It is best done after a workout or training session.
            3. Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF): This type of stretching involves a combination of contracting and relaxing the muscles being stretched. It is often done with a partner or a resistance band.
            4. Yoga: Many figure skaters incorporate yoga into their training routines, as it can improve flexibility, balance, and overall body awareness. Start easy before trying the more difficult positions.


              When working on flexibility training, be sure to take it slow and expand the stretches a little at a time.

              It's also essential to pay attention to proper form and technique to avoid injuries.

              Here are a few additional tips:

              • Breathe deeply and steadily throughout each stretch.
              • Avoid bouncing or jerking movements, as these can strain muscles and joints.
              • Hold each stretch for at least 15-30 seconds or longer if comfortable.
              • Focus on major muscle groups such as the legs, hips, back, and shoulders.

              By incorporating flexibility training into their routines, figure skaters can improve their performance on the ice, prevent injuries, and promote overall health and wellness.

              Cardiovascular training is an essential component of figure skating, as it can improve endurance, stamina, and overall cardiovascular health.

              Here are some tips on how figure skaters can improve their cardiovascular fitness:

              1. Aerobic exercise: This type of exercise involves continuous, rhythmic movements that elevate the heart rate and breathing rate, such as jogging, cycling, or slide board training.
              2. Interval training: This type of training involves rotating periods of high-intensity exercise with periods of lower intensity or rest. For example, a skater may sprint for 30 seconds, then walk or jog for a minute, and repeat for several rounds.
              3. Circuit training: This type of training involves moving through a series of exercises, such as jumping jacks, squats, lunges, and push-ups, with little to no rest in between. This can help improve both cardiovascular fitness and muscular endurance.
              4. Plyometrics: This type of training involves explosive movements, such as jump squats or box jumps, that can help improve power and speed.
              push up

                  When working on cardiovascular training, be sure to start slow until you can comfortably increase the intensity and duration of the exercises.

                  Here are a few additional tips:

                  • Choose activities that are enjoyable and varied to maintain motivation.
                  • Shoot for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week.
                  • Incorporate both aerobic and anaerobic exercises into your routine.
                  • Be sure to allow time to warm up and cool down before and after each session.

                  By incorporating cardiovascular training into their routines, figure skaters can improve their performance on the ice, boost their endurance and stamina, and promote overall health and fitness.

                  Injury Prevention and Nutrition

                  Injury prevention is a vital aspect of sports, and figure skating is no exception.

                  Outlined below are some injury prevention strategies that can aid in maintaining the health and safety of figure skaters:

                  • Proper warm-up and cool-down: A comprehensive warm-up regimen can facilitate the preparation of the body for physical activity by augmenting blood flow to the muscles and easing the joints. Cooling down after physical exertion can help prevent stiffness and diminish the likelihood of injuries. It is crucial to stretch all major muscle groups during both the warm-up and cool-down.
                  • Wear appropriate gear: Donning appropriate figure skating attire and equipment, such as well-fitted skates and protective padding, can help mitigate the risk of injuries.
                  • Cross-train: Cross-training with other activities, such as strength training, yoga, or swimming, can help improve overall fitness and reduce the risk of overuse injuries.
                  • Rest and recovery: Rest is crucial for allowing the body to recover and repair itself after exercise. Overtraining and pushing through pain can lead to injury and should be avoided.
                  • Proper technique: Proper technique is essential for preventing injury in figure skating. Coaches should emphasize correct form and technique for all jumps, spins, and other maneuvers, and skaters should not attempt moves beyond their skill level.
                  • Nutrition and hydration: A well-balanced diet and proper hydration can help support the body's ability to recover and repair itself after exercise, reducing the risk of injury.

                    By following these injury prevention strategies, figure skaters can reduce their risk of injury and stay healthy and active both on and off the ice.

                    It's important to work with a coach or trainer to develop a personalized training program that takes into account individual strengths, weaknesses, and injury history.

                    In addition, it's important to listen to the body and seek medical attention if pain or injury occurs.

                    proper nutrition and hydration

                    Nutrition and Hydration for Figure Skaters

                    Proper nutrition and hydration are essential components of a figure skater's training regimen.

                    Proper fueling can help support energy levels, endurance, and recovery, while also reducing the risk of injury and illness.

                    Here are some tips for nutrition and hydration for figure skaters:

                    1. Stay hydrated: It's important to drink enough water throughout the day to maintain proper hydration levels. During training, skaters should drink water before, during, and after their session to replenish fluids lost through sweat.
                    2. Fuel up with carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are the body's primary source of energy, making them essential for figure skaters. Some great sources of carbohydrates include whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.
                    3. Get enough protein: Protein is key for building and repairing muscles, and figure skaters require slightly more protein than sedentary individuals. Some great sources of protein you may want to consider include lean meats, fish, poultry, beans, and lentils.
                    4. Choose healthy fats: Healthy fats, such as those found in nuts, seeds, avocados, and oily fish, can help provide sustained energy and support overall health.
                    5. Don't forget about vitamins and minerals: A well-balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits and vegetables can help ensure that skaters get all the vitamins and minerals they need for optimal health and performance.
                    6. Timing is key: It's important to fuel up before and after training sessions to ensure proper energy levels and recovery. Eating a small snack or meal containing carbohydrates and protein 30 minutes to an hour before training can help provide sustained energy, while eating a meal containing carbohydrates and protein within 30 minutes to an hour after training can help support muscle recovery.
                    7. Avoid sugary and processed foods: Sugary and processed foods can provide quick energy but can also cause blood sugar spikes and crashes. Skaters should aim to limit their intake of these foods and instead choose whole, nutrient-dense options.

                      By following these nutrition and hydration tips, figure skaters can support their overall health and performance on and off the ice.

                      It's important to work with a registered dietitian or sports nutritionist to develop a personalized nutrition plan that takes into account individual needs and goals.


                      Mental Training Classes for Figure Skaters

                      Mental training is an essential component of a figure skater's overall training regimen.

                      The ability to stay focused, calm, and confident under pressure can make all the difference in a competition.

                      Here are some mental training strategies that figure skaters can use to improve their performance:

                      1. Visualization: Visualization is a powerful mental tool that can help skaters improve their technique and performance. Skaters can visualize themselves executing a perfect jump, difficult spin, and landing positions, imagining the feeling of success and satisfaction.
                      2. Positive self-talk: Self-talk is the internal dialogue that individuals have with themselves. By using positive self-talk, skaters can stay motivated and focused, even during challenging times. Positive self-talk involves replacing negative thoughts with positive affirmations, such as "I can do this" or "I am strong and capable."
                      3. Goal-setting: Setting realistic, achievable goals can help skaters stay focused and motivated. By breaking down larger goals into smaller, more manageable ones, skaters can track their progress and see the results of their hard work.
                      4. Breathing and relaxation techniques: Breathing and relaxation techniques can help skaters stay calm and focused during competition. Techniques such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and meditation can help reduce anxiety and increase focus.
                      5. Mental rehearsal: Mental rehearsal involves rehearsing a routine or performance in mind, using visualization techniques to imagine every detail. This technique can help skaters feel more prepared and confident when they step onto the ice.
                      6. Positive imagery: Positive imagery involves using positive mental images to improve confidence and performance. Skaters can imagine themselves executing difficult elements flawlessly, feeling the satisfaction and pride that comes with success.
                        gold medal

                        By incorporating these mental training strategies into their training regimen, figure skaters can improve their performance and ice skills both on and off the ice.

                        Also, consider stepping away to try something different like dance or ballet that will help you decompress away from the daily training grind.

                        It's important to work with a qualified sports psychologist or mental training coach to develop a personalized plan that takes into account individual needs and goals.

                        With a strong mental game, figure skaters can perform at their best and achieve their goals and skating skills.


                        n conclusion, off-ice training is a crucial component of a figure skater's training regimen.

                        Competitive Skaters can improve their performance both on and off the ice by incorporating a strength training program.

                        A skater will greatly improve their overall fitness and skills by implementing off-ice conditioning through:

                        • Flexibility training
                        • Cardiovascular training
                        • Injury prevention strategies
                        • Nutrition and hydration
                        • Mental training

                        That's not to say that beginners or recreational skaters would not also benefit to start training like a figure skater for better overall health.

                        Developing a personalized training plan that takes into account individual needs and goals, along with working with qualified coaches and trainers, is essential to achieving success in the sport of figure skating.

                        By displaying devotion, perseverance, and a comprehensive approach to training, figure skaters can fulfill their aspirations and experience their full potential in the sport they love.

                        So make the most of of your off-ice training program to maximize your full potential as a skater and athlete!



                        How to Train Like a Figure Skater For Better Health

                        How to Train Like a Figure Skater For Better Health

                        It's no secret that figure skating is one of the most demanding sports out there.

                        But what many people don't know is that the training techniques used by figure skaters can be applied to anyone looking to get in better shape.

                        In this article, we'll take a look at some of the most effective ways to train like a figure skater and explain how it can help you achieve your fitness goals.

                        Whether you're a figure skating enthusiast or just looking for some new workout ideas, we've got what you're looking for. 

                        Before We Begin

                        Below are a couple of Items you may need to get started figure skating. 

                        What Figure Skating Involves

                        A figure skater's training program is very demanding, both physically and mentally.

                        They must be in excellent physical condition to be able to execute the jumps and spins required of them.

                        In addition, they need to have the mental focus and discipline to be able to execute their routines flawlessly.

                        Figure skaters train for many hours each day, working on both their skating technique and their fitness levels.

                        They often start their days with a few hours of skating practice, followed by a strenuous workout.

                        This can include things like running, weightlifting, and even yoga or pilates to help maintain flexibility.

                        Figure skaters also need to eat a healthy diet to make sure they have enough energy to get through their grueling training program.


                        health benefits

                        Health Benefits of Figure Skating

                        Figure skaters are constantly training and pushing thier body to the limits.

                        This can result in some amazing health benefits, including increased strength, flexibility, and coordination.

                        Figure skating can also help improve your cardiovascular health.

                        Skating is a great way to get your heart pumping and keep your blood flowing.

                        The constant movement helps to increase your endurance and stamina, making it a great workout for your heart.

                        In addition to the physical benefits, figure skating can also have some mental benefits as well.

                        The discipline required to be a successful figure skater can help to improve focus and concentration.

                        The sport can also be a great way to relieve stress and build self-confidence.

                        Participating in a figure skating program can help you feel good.


                        7 - Steps to Getting Started Off Ice Training

                        If you're just starting out or an advanced skater who wants to start your own training program, there are a few things you need to do.

                        First, make sure you have all the necessary equipment.

                        You'll need:

                        1. Figure Skates
                        2. Protective Gear (because falling hurts!)

                        You should also have a solid understanding of the basics of figure skating before you start working on your own program.

                        Once you have all the equipment and know-how, start by planning out your program.

                        Decide how many days per week you want to train, and what kind of exercises you'll do each day.

                        Make sure to include a warm-up and cool-down in your program, as well as some basic figure skating drills.

                        1 - Figure Skater Diet

                        Figure skaters have to be very careful about what they eat.

                        They need to make sure they're getting enough calories and nutrients to fuel their training, but not so much that they'll gain weight.

                        A typical figure skater's diet will include lots of lean proteins, complex carbs, and healthy fats.

                        Foods like chicken, fish, rice, pasta, vegetables, and fruits are all important staples.

                        Figure skaters also need to make sure they're staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.

                        As for workout routines, figure skaters need to focus on building strength and stamina.


                        balance and posture

                        2 - Mastering Balance and Posture

                        How do figure skaters maintain such excellent balance and posture?

                        While figure skating may look effortless, the reality is that it takes a great deal of training and practice to execute all those complicated jumps and turns.

                        Fortunately, there are some things that everyday people can do to train like a figure skater and improve their own balance and posture.

                        Balance: Paying attention to your body's natural center of gravity can help you maintain better balance.

                        When standing, keep your weight evenly distributed between both feet.

                        Avoid slouching or leaning to one side

                        Some great exercises for this include Pilates, yoga, and even basic sit-ups and crunches. Check out these Pilates and Yoga exercise programs. 

                        Posture: Posture is one of the most important things to focus on when it comes to having good health.

                        Having poor posture can lead to a number of different health problems, including back pain, neck pain, and headaches.

                        One of the best ways to improve your posture is by strengthening the muscles in your back and abdomen and being more conscious of your overall posture.

                        This can be done by doing core exercises.


                        arms and legs training

                        3 - Strengthening Arms and Legs

                        Most figure skaters train their arms and legs separately.

                        They will use a variety of exercises to build strength in their arms, such as weightlifting, resistance training, and even yoga or Pilates.

                        Skaters need to have strong arms and legs in order to execute the jumps and spins required in figure skating.

                        Some figure skaters also use cross-training methods, such as swimming or biking, to help them build endurance and stay in shape during the off-season.

                        Swimming is especially beneficial because it is a low-impact activity that still provides a good workout.

                        Biking and slide board workouts can also be helpful for building up your leg muscles while getting in some cardio at the same time.


                        core training

                        4 - Core Training 

                        There are many ways to implement a core training program.

                        Some factors to consider include the intensity of the program, the frequency of sessions, and the duration of the program.

                        Some people prefer to train their core every day, while others may only train a few times per week.

                        The intensity of each session will also vary depending on the person's goals.

                        For example, someone who is looking to improve their overall fitness may do lighter core exercises more frequently, while someone who is trying to build muscle may do more intense exercises less often.

                        The duration of a core training program will also vary depending on the person's goals.

                        A person who is looking to improve their overall fitness may do shorter sessions more frequently throughout the week.

                        5 - Practicing Your Jumps

                        Competitive figure skaters spend a lot of time improving their jumping skills and there are specific exercises and training methods you can use to become a stronger jumper.

                        Jumping is a key element in figure skating, and being able to execute jumps with grace and power can be the difference between a good routine and a great one.

                        If you're looking to take your figure skating to the next level, here are some tips on how to train to become a better jumper.

                        First, it's important to build up strength in your legs and glutes.

                        Jumping in figure skating requires a lot of leg strength, so make sure to include some exercises to target your quads, hamstrings, and calves in your workout routine.

                        Squats, lunges, and calf raises are all great options.

                        Stronger leg muscles will help you generate more power when you jump, allowing you to execute higher jumps.

                        Next, having good flexibility will help you execute jumps with proper technique and achieve a higher level of rotation.

                        Include some stretching and mobility work in your warm-ups and cool-downs, and consider doing yoga or pilates on days when you're not skating.

                        And of coures, last but not least.....Practice, Practice, Practice!!

                        6 - Maintaining Grace and Flexibility

                        There are a few ways figure skaters can train to be more flexible and graceful.

                        One way is through stretching exercises.

                        Stretching helps lengthen the muscles, which can make figure skaters more powerful and graceful on the ice.

                        Another way to become more flexible and graceful is through (and we'll mention it once again) Pilates or yoga.

                        These exercises help improve core strength and balance, both of which are important for figure skating.

                        Finally, figure skaters can also try swimming or ballet classes to help them become more flexible and graceful.

                        Swimming is a great workout for the whole body and ballet classes can help improve posture and gracefulness.

                        By incorporating these activities into their training regime, figure skaters can become more flexible and graceful athletes.

                        7 - Staying Active

                        One way to stay active is to add movement to your everyday life and consider this part of your training routine.

                        This could involve doing some cardio exercises at home or going for a run outdoors.

                        You could also join a gym and take classes there, or even hire a personal trainer to help you stay on track.

                        Another way to add movement to your everyday life is to simply be more active in general.

                        This means taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking or biking instead of driving, and just generally moving your body more.

                        Even small changes like this can make a big difference in your overall health and fitness levels.

                        So, if you’re looking for ways to add movement to your everyday life, consider making these little changes along the way.


                        mental focus

                        Tips for staying motivated

                        There are a few key things that figure skaters can do to stay motivated while training.

                        First, it's important to set realistic goals for yourself and your skating.

                        If you're constantly pushing yourself to improve, you'll be more likely to stay motivated.

                        Secondly, figure out what you love about skating and focus on that.

                        Whether it's the feeling of gliding across the ice or the satisfaction of nailing a new jump, keep your love for the sport at the forefront of your mind.

                        Finally, make sure to take breaks and enjoy your free time; skating should be fun!

                        If you're feeling burnt out, take a few days off and come back refreshed and ready to skate.

                        Ice Skater Workout & Exercise Routine

                        • Warm up: 10 minutes of light cardio to get the heart rate up and loosen up the muscles.
                        • Skating drills:
                          • Edges: Practice skating on both inside and outside edges for 2-3 sets of 30 seconds each. 
                          • Crossovers: Do 2-3 sets of 30 seconds, focusing on smooth and efficient movements.
                          • Jumps: Practice different jump types such as the waltz, salchow, or loop for 2-3 sets of 8 repetitions each.
                          • You can practice skating drills at home with our PolyGlide Synthetic Ice!
                        • Strength training:
                          • Squats: 3 sets of 8-12 reps with weights to build lower body strength.
                          • Leg presses: 3 sets of 8-12 reps to target the quads and glutes.
                          • Lunges: 3 sets of 8-12 reps, both forward and backward to work on balance and stability.
                          • You can purchase a set of adjustable weights here. 
                        • Flexibility and stretching:
                          • Hold each stretch for 30 seconds and repeat 2-3 times.
                          • Focus on stretching the legs, hips, back, and arms.
                        • Cool down: 5-10 minutes of light cardio and stretching to reduce the risk of injury.

                        Note: It's important to consult with a professional coach or physical therapist to design a workout plan that is tailored to individual needs and goals. Skating drills and strength training should be incorporated gradually and in a progressive manner to avoid injury.

                        Sample Workout Routine

                        Here's a sample of what your daily routine could look like:

                        Wake up and eat a nutritious breakfast to fuel your body for the day ahead.

                        Try oatmeal with fruit or eggs and toast.

                        Head to the rink (or home ice rink) for a morning practice.

                        During your skate, focus on perfecting your jumps and spins.

                        Take breaks as needed to catch your breath and stay hydrated.

                        After practice, refuel with a protein-rich snack like yogurt or a peanut butter sandwich.

                        Then it's time for some strength training.

                        Work on core exercises and upper body strength to help with your lifts.

                        Recommended Resources

                        If you're thinking about training like a figure skater, there are some key resources you'll need to get started.

                        You'll need to start thinking about what kind of training program you want to create.

                        There are many different ways to structure a figure skating training program, so it's important to do some research and figure out what may work best for you given your schedule.

                        There are several excellent resources available that can help you plan and implement your figure skating training program and here's a few to consider:


                        coach michelle hong

                        Michelle Hong (instagram): @coachmichellehong

                        US Figure Skating:

                        Coach Hamish: coachhamish



                        If you’re looking for a fun and challenging workout that can help improve your balance, coordination, and overall health, then train like a figure skater!

                        Also, you don’t need to live near an ice rink to get you started!

                        All you need is a little bit of space in your home and some PolyGlide Synthetic Ice and you'll be skating in no time!

                        We put together some rink packages for the home skater that you may want to consider to get you going.

                        So If you’re looking for an invigorating and challenging workout that can improve your balance, coordination, and overall health, then training like a figure skater may be perfect for you!

                        Now that we outlined some ways you can get started with or without access to your local ice rink it's time to take the next step!

                        Before long, you'll be training like a figure skater and in the best shape of your life!

                        Choose Wisely: The Ultimate Figure Skates Guide (2024)

                        Choose Wisely: The Ultimate Figure Skates Guide (2024)

                         It’s Time for Your First Pair of Figure Skates

                        There's been a spike in figure skating these past few years which only continues to grow.

                        Every new year gives birth to new hobbies, trends and interests, with figure skating certainly being one of them.

                        More adults have started to skate at public rinks, and more kids have also been picking up the sport.

                        If you fall into one of these categories and are starting to get hooked, you may consider buying your own pair of figure skates or upgrading an existing pair.

                        Break-in Your New Skates At Home With Polyglide Synthetic Ice

                        While PolyGlide Ice focuses on what you skate on, it has not stopped our customers from asking for figure skate recommendations.

                        At any level, the right skates can improve skating performance, help you land those loops, and make the most of your training time.

                        However, the more you skate, the more you realize that rental skates have their limitations.

                        Rental skates are made of a cheap plastic or leather and are only good for recreational use during a public session..

                        Furthermore, you can't guarantee you'll get the same pair every time you get to the rink.

                        And if you're a youth or adult skater moving up the ranks and learning the disciplines of figure skating, you'll need a better pair of figure skates too.

                        Let's understand figure skates better and cover some of the best skates at all stages.

                        selecting figure skates

                        Understanding Figure Skates

                        The traditional, classic figure skate has two main parts: the boot and the blade.

                        While this may sound straightforward, each component is carefully made to ensure figure skaters can generate speed, perform jumps, and stops.


                        Figure skating boots are smooth and exude class on the ice.

                        The best ones are made of high-quality leather, often three pieces stitched together to form a sturdy boot.

                        Leather is a durable, flexible material that can withstand the moisture and condensation when skating.

                        Today, some boots are made of synthetic materials, hard plastics, or a combination of leather and synthetics.

                        As a result, the price range varies, with pure leather boots being the most expensive.

                        Figure skate boots are designed to protect your foot while being lightweight so you can execute jumps.

                        In addition, boots have padding around the ankles for added support and strong laces so you can always secure them.

                        Figure skating boots also come with a degree of stiffness, with harder boots designed for beginners.

                        When choosing your skates, stiffness plays a major role, as a boot that's too stiff can lead to injury.

                        blade selection

                        The Blade

                        The blades of skates are where the metal meets the ice.

                        It's what allows you to glide, spin, and perform the jumps the pros do that take your breath away.

                        The blade also gives grip and control, which accounts for the precision needed in figure skating.

                        The standard blade is a long piece of tempered carbon or steel, sometimes with a chrome finish.

                        It's attached to the skate via two metal plates on the sole of the boot (the heel and toe plates), held in place by screws.

                        The metal blade is attached to the plates with two columns called stanchions.

                        Check Out Your Skate Blade W.E.A.R. Score With This Generator Tool

                        In ice skating, the blades of skates consist of several parts, including the stanchions that extend to the runner and the long piece of metal that comes into contact with the ice.

                        At the front of the blade is the toe pick, a serrated piece of metal useful for stopping, turning, and performing spins.

                        The runner is not a single piece of metal; it consists of two sharpened edges with a concave radius of hollow between them.

                        This radius of hollow is the most crucial part of the blade, as it determines the depth of the groove and the skater's grip and control on the ice.

                        Choosing the appropriate radius of hollow for the skater's weight, skill level, and intended use is essential for optimum performance on the ice.

                        You essentially have multiple edges:

                        An inside edge: The part of the blade that faces the inside of your foot.

                        An outside edge: The part that faces away from the body.

                        You can use the edges on each foot to move in forward and backward motions, which technically gives you eight edges.

                        Finding the right blade with the right edge and hollow can determine your grip, speed, and performance.

                        The other factors you must consider include style, color, and sizing.

                        figure skate options

                        Beginner Skaters: Transitioning from Recreational Skates to Your First Pair

                        Renting skates can be a suitable option for beginner ice skaters trying ice skating for the first time.

                        However, as you progress in your skills, rented skates may become less desirable due to the lack of control over the skate's design, brand, and durability, which can impact the average skater's experience.

                        To assist beginners, we have compiled a choice of skates from three highly recommended models of skates, all under $200, that provide the right balance of fit and performance.

                        In addition, these beginner ice skates come with blades, which are not commonly included with more advanced skates. 

                        1. Riedell Skates - Sparkle
                          Jackson Ultima Artiste: The Jackson Artiste skate and blade combo is great for beginners looking to take their skating to the next level. It has durable leather construction with reinforced ankle support so you can learn those new spins, turns, and single jumps.
                        2. Riedell Sparkle
                          Riedell Skates - Sparkle: Riedell has long been a go-to brand for beginners in figure and recreational skating. These sparkle beginner skates have light ankle support that focuses on comfort. The solid PVC sole and stainless-steel blade allow for hours of skating without wear and tear.
                        3. Botas Cezar
                          Botas - Cezar: European brand Botas focuses on affordable yet durable skates. This high-performance model with a waterproof finish. With comfortable lining on the tongue and upper, your boot fits snugly without causing discomfort.

                        As you build your skills before jumping to a more expensive skate, these skates will get the ball rolling.

                        intermediate skates

                        Intermediate Skaters: Upgrading to Advanced Skates

                        1. Jackson Ultima Freestyle Fusion Aspire
                          Jackson Ultima Freestyle Fusion/Aspire FS2190: The highly rated Jackson Ultima Freestyle Fusion combines leather, PVC, and microfiber to create a powerful skate. This skate is a "step-up" from the Jackson Artiste for intermediate skaters. The tongue and upper lining are designed to reduce injury, allowing proper support for the ankle.
                        2. Edea Figure Skates Chorus
                          Edea Figure Skates Chorus: Skaters ready to take their single jumps and competitions to the next level (we're talking double and triple jumps) need a reliable boot. The Edea brand has supported competitive and professional skaters for decades, and this is a great entry to elite skates. The Edea Chorus also has patented Dual Density Technology to support the ankle and foot from single jumps to those more difficult to master. Edea is all about fit, with a boot that almost feels made for your foot.
                        3. Jackson Ultima Fusion Elle
                          Jackson Ultima Fusion ElleThis Jackson Ultima, recently launched figure skate, has rolled lining, durable microfiber upper, and a large, soft tongue that wraps around the shin for optimal support. It has a newly designed Fusion sole to reduce impact and the fantastic Mirage blade, which can be changed if necessary.

                        Advanced Skaters: Custom Figure Skates

                        With advanced level figure skates, boots, and blades are almost always sold separately from the more expensive skates.

                        At this stage, the competitive figure skater has an idea of the type of performance they want from their blades and may even change them for different occasions. 

                        1. Edea Ice Fly Figure SkatesEdea Ice Fly Figure Skates: Edea boots are the high-end quality boots pros go to when looking to upgrade. These are lightweight and can accommodate almost any blade. The special design, shape and breathable materials make them ideal for the elite skater who demands performance, style, and durability. 
                        2. Risport RF1 Elite Ice SkatesRisport RF1 Elite Ice Skates: Another reputable skating brand. Olympic and elite figure skaters trust the Risport boot for its lightweight but durable materials. It's high-quality leather and sleek design makes it stand out on the ice. It also has features like special aeration to reduce moisture and special durable materials that adapt to the shape of your foot.
                        3.  Jackson Supreme Low Cut (Men's Boot)
                          Jackson Supreme Low Cut (Men's Boot): Jacksho produces boots for all levels, and the Supreme low cut is great for men who want more flexibility and speed in a shorter boot. The carbon fiber sole reduces boot weight even further, but no comfort and support is lost thanks to rolled topline and extra padding in the ankle areas.

                        figure skate blade choices

                        Blade choices for intermediate to advanced skates

                        Blades can range from $250 to $750. Some common blade brands include:

                        MK Phantom Parabolic

                        John Wilson Pattern 99

                        Jackson Ultima Matrix Elite

                        Riedell Eclipse Pinnacle Blades



                          These blades come in different lengths, hollows, and materials.

                          Get a skating coach or boot technician to help you choose the best blade based on your objectives.

                          Finding the Perfect Fit

                          Choosing the right figure skates can be overwhelming.

                          There are several factors to consider including:

                          • Size and Comfort: Figure skates come in different styles and measurements and are sometimes targeted to different types of feet. Two skates the same size might not necessarily be the right fit. All manufacturers carry distinct size charts and measurement guides to purchase the most comfortable skate. You can also measure your feet at home to ensure you get the most comfortable skate. Buying too small or big skates will lead to a poor skating experience and painful blisters. The correct size skate will improve your comfort level, which is the most important factor.

                          • Cost: What's your budget? Beginners should not spend more than $200 on skates. You can still see if figure skating is right for you (or your child) without a large investment. Advanced skaters, however, may need custom skates or high-quality boots and blades, which can cost well over $1000.

                          • Stiffness: The stiffness of the boot provides the support needed for you to skate as best as you can. Boots come in varying degrees of stiffness.

                          Soft skates with minimal stiffness are also growing in popularity for recreational use.

                              Advanced skaters need stiff boots to repeatedly perform Axel jumps and turns.

                              Your weight, skill level, strength, and type of skating discipline will determine how stiff your boot shoot be.

                              'Overbooting,' which is a beginner skater buying an advanced skate, can lead to foot pain, injury, and poor skating experience.

                              • Blade: Blades determine factors like speed, balance, and precision. These are all based on features like the type of metal, length, toe pick, and radius of hollow. Watch the features. However, most skate shops can mount new blades as needed.
                              • Design: We all have different preferences regarding color, material, and style. To an extent, figure skating is all about flair and pageantry, but don't buy a skate because it looks good. Keep the design last on the list.
                              old skates

                                Should you buy used skates?

                                We get it, figure skate prices go up the further you get in the sport.

                                It's the reason why skaters drop out of competitions over time, as it's just too costly to upgrade.

                                That begs the question; should you buy used skates?

                                There are several reseller sites to find skates at great prices, but there are a few drawbacks.

                                It's a risk.

                                You're often unsure of how long the previous owner used the boot.

                                The boot might be too stiff for your current skill level.

                                Some might be worn down, leading to injury.

                                Furthermore, used boots have limited shelf life, so you end up purchasing another one faster than if you bought a new skate. 

                                If there are large, deep creases in the boot, especially the ankle region, the skate has been heavily used and will probably break down soon.

                                If you buy used skates, do so from a reputable dealer and aim for beginner skates, as you can swap those out as needed.

                                Maintaining and Caring for Ice Skates

                                Whether you're a beginner, intermediate skater, or pro, taking care of your skates is non-negotiable.

                                As you've noticed, figure skates are an investment.

                                More importantly, you won't need to ditch your skates early because they no longer look good or worse; they no longer perform to your expectations.

                                Maintenance can be split into two categories: caring for your blades and caring for your boot.

                                skate sharpener

                                Blade care

                                If you use your skates often, blades are prone to rust and losing their edges quickly due to poor care. Make sure to:

                                • Sharpen your blades: The sharper your blades, the better your performance. On average, you should sharpen your blades after every 20 hours of skate time. This figure can increase or decrease depending on how often you skate. Take your skates to a professional, as hockey and figure skates require different techniques.
                                • Skate Sharpener: At some point, you may want to consider investing in a skate sharpener to always have your blades sharpened to your liking. Sharpeners now have the technology to help you get the best edge for your skates.
                                • Keep them Dry: After a skating session or hockey game, skates collect moisture from the ice, which can rust your precious blades. Keep a thick microfiber cloth to dry your blades after you take them off.
                                • Invest in soakers: Drying the blades alone may not be enough. Soakers are a thick cloth that covers your entire skate blade and will absorb any leftover moisture while you have them in your bag. They don't double as skate guards, so be careful not to use them for that.
                                • Protect your blades with skate guards: When you're not skating, blades can develop dust, get nicked, or develop scratches. A blade skate guard protects your blades from the locker room to the rink when walking in your skates. Here are a few fancy options to consider: Guarddog Skate Guards, Guradog Skate Guards for Figure Skates

                                Boot care

                                As previously mentioned, boots can be made of different materials.

                                Taking care of the boot can save you hundreds of dollars, as even mid-tier boots are built to last.

                                Here are some care instructions:

                                •  After spending time on the ice, a dry skate is a healthy skate. That cloth that dries your blades can also dry your boot. Make sure to dry the inside and outside of your skate.
                                • Give your skate some time to air dry after using the cloth. This extra step ensures your skate does not dry rot or develop mold.
                                • Protect your figure skates with a waterproof seal. Some contain beeswax or other compounds that reduce moisture.
                                • Clean and polish any scuff marks
                                • Check your boots periodically for loose screws or broken laces.

                                While skates wear down like any other tool, the better you care for them, the longer they last.

                                It’s Time to Skate

                                Figure skating is an exciting and wonderful sport.

                                The more you skate, the more invested you are in getting better, even if you're a recreational skater.

                                At any stage, it's an exciting feeling to lace up your new pair of ice skates.

                                Moving from rental skates to your own pair is the biggest jump, as choosing the right skates can determine your trajectory.

                                The same goes for intermediate and advanced skaters.

                                The best pair of ice skates is out there for you, but it requires patience and looking for the right features for your skill level.

                                We hope that with this guide; you'll find the best skates you can use on both natural and synthetic ice.



                                Best roller skating surface for 2024

                                Best roller skating surface for 2024

                                Was it because of TikTok and Instagram?

                                The need to find new hobbies?

                                Or an R&B legend rollerskating on stage at Vegas

                                We’re not sure, but roller skating has been one of the biggest trends since the 2020 pandemic.

                                In its over 300-year history, we’ve seen these spikes, and it’s back again, showing that it is a timeless sport and pastime. 

                                More people are buying skates and enjoying time on neighborhood rinks.

                                Some are even building roller rinks in their homes or turning rinks into lucrative businesses. 

                                Build Your Own Roller-Arena With The PolyGlide Pro-Skate Roller Panel 


                                Although we primarily deal with ice skating, we’ve also received questions on the best roller skating surface for 2022.

                                Roller skates have wheels, which are usable on almost any flat surface. 

                                But, of course, all surfaces aren’t the same. 

                                Here are the best roller skating surfaces and how you can create a rink of your own. 

                                roller skating surface

                                Does the surface material matter?

                                Beginner skaters want an enjoyable, safe skating experience.

                                The right skates can help, but the right surface is even more important.

                                For instance, skating with hard wheels on a slippery surface can mean less grip and more falls.

                                You need at least 2-3 months of consistent sessions to get good at skating, and practicing on the wrong surface can be challenging. 

                                Advanced skaters want to push their limits.

                                They want to pull off spins, fishtails, skating backward, and even jumps.

                                They need a surface that can keep up with them.

                                So yes, the surface matters.

                                If you’re in a skating rink, you’ll realize they have different materials that change how the skates feel in motion. 

                                Some people love to skate outdoors at a neighborhood park or recreational court.

                                Others prefer the community and vibe of a skating rink or park. 

                                Whatever your preference, here are some of the surfaces you’ll encounter on your skating journey:

                                Concrete flooring

                                So what surfaces can you roller skate? 

                                Concrete floors are one of the first and most common skating surfaces you will encounter.

                                These surfaces are smooth and built for tricks and speed.

                                Best of all, they work indoors and outdoors.

                                Rinks with concrete floors are the most durable, as they are often the floor of the rest of the building or space.

                                Rink owners sometimes seal the floor with a compound to make skating more enjoyable. 

                                Concrete flooring works best for advanced skaters as they are less likely to fall.

                                However, falling on concrete does a number on your joints, and you’ll pick up some bruises too.

                                Indoor concrete rinks are costly and challenging to install. However, it is the cheapest to maintain.

                                They also need resurfacing with a wax or varnish compound, but from an aesthetic standpoint, it would not stand out.

                                asphalt surface

                                Asphalt, brick, and pavers

                                Are you ready to hit the black carpet?

                                If you are not thinking about building or visiting a rink, you can skate right outside.

                                Driveways, cul-de-sacs, car parks, bike lanes, and skate parks have asphalt surfaces.

                                Other common outdoor surfaces include bricks and pavers.

                                Of course, if you own the area, this surface is free.

                                For an outdoor skating rink, you’re just marking off the area. 

                                Like concrete, asphalt is smooth but can leave you with bumps and bruises, and take off a bit of skin as well.

                                Asphalt also swells in the hot summer months, creating an uneven surface.

                                Bricks and pavers have bumps that rough the surface, which can lead to injury for an inexperienced skater. 

                                Wood flooring and laminate flooring

                                Now it’s time to go indoors.

                                Wood flooring is a popular indoor roller rink surface.

                                These rinks are installed with oak, maple, or walnut panels.

                                Laminate flooring uses synthetic material to create panels with a wood-like feel.

                                These are cheaper than hardwood but not as durable. 

                                Although one is better, wood and laminate floors are aesthetically pleasing, smooth, and long-lasting.

                                While they do not have the same grip and speed as concrete, they are safe to use, and falling on them does not hurt as much. 

                                On the flip side, these floors are hard to maintain.

                                Flooring materials are generally made for wear and tear.

                                However, overuse and excessive force from toe stops can cause cracks and splinters.

                                It’s also susceptible to swelling and water damage.

                                These are the costliest to replace if they are damaged.

                                If you have the time or resources to care for these floors, they will take care of your skaters. 

                                polyproprolene floor

                                Sport Court Floors

                                Plastics have been a part of roller skating surfaces for decades, and polypropylene is a common type.

                                These thin tiles interlock to create a flat skating surface.

                                Polypropylene tiles are used for both indoor and outdoor soccer, roller hockey, volleyball, roller derby, and much more. 

                                These tiles are customizable in different sizes and colors and are softer, which can ease the stress on the joints.

                                Some tiles also contain small holes that act as ventilation, so they should stand up to most changes in weather. 

                                There are many polypropylene tile providers, so it’s easy to buy an inferior brand, which wears away after a short time.

                                Some aren’t made with eco-friendly materials, so this could be a deterrent. 

                                (Non-infused) Synthetic Ice

                                What does ice have to do with roller skating?

                                Synthetic ice has been around for decades as an excellent alternative for ice skaters.

                                These are panels made of special textured polyethylene that provides a "smooth roll" and quite durable.

                                Synthetic ice can last up to 10 years with proper maintenance. 

                                You connect the tiles on a flat surface, and you can play hockey, figure skate, or even take up curling. 

                                And yes, you can lace up your roller skates instead of your metal ice skates! 

                                High-quality synthetic ice is usually infused with a slip surface agent or conditioner to help ice skaters glide across the surface.

                                It is also available as "non-infused" by some manufacturers which alows the skate wheel to grip the surface better.

                                They are also usable all throughout the year.

                                Add the slip conditioner and easily convert it into an ice rink! 

                                what is the best surface

                                What surface is best to roller skate on? 

                                When it comes to advanced skaters, concrete and asphalt are your friends.

                                You can go outdoors, find a safe, level spot, and start skating.

                                For rinks, hardwood surfaces and synthetic ice are your best bet.

                                These provide the right mix of safety, durability, and performance. 

                                For a long-term investment, non-infused synthetic ice panels give you a bigger bang for your buck.

                                Can you make a roller skating surface at home?

                                The pandemic has caused people to look for at-home solutions, and we’ve been asked, “Can I make a rink at home?” 

                                Of course, you can!

                                These rinks are big enough for family or friends and neighbors. 

                                Making a rink requires a few simple steps.

                                Most of these steps are the same we give our customers who set up at-home ice skating rinks:

                                • Find your space: Is it indoors or outdoors? Indoor examples include garages, basements, and spare rooms. Outdoor spaces are backyards and decks. This space should be flat and level.
                                • Measure your space: How many square feet is your rink? Use a measuring tape and other tools to get accurate dimensions.
                                • Clear the floor: Your rink must start on level ground. That may mean removing material or adding plywood to keep the ground even.
                                • Choose and install your rink: Synthetic ice is excellent for indoor and outdoor use. Hardwood works indoors but can be more expensive long-term. Installing synthetic ice is as simple as connecting the panels for the space. For other surfaces, you may need a contractor to help.
                                • Consider rink walls: For outdoor spaces, rink walls help keep your kids safe and add to the appeal of the rink. Consider adding them!
                                • Time to skate: When everything is good to go, slap on your skates and have a blast!


                                Roller skating is a timeless pastime that will fluctuate in popularity.

                                Right now, it’s going through a purple patch, so if you have been thinking about starting a healthy, new hobby, now is the time.

                                The surface that you skate on can make or break your experience.

                                For a smooth surface that gives the right mix of speed, safety, grip, and durability, look no further than synthetic ice.

                                Get non-infused panels that can last years and help you have a great roller rink that everyone will enjoy.



                                What to Wear When Ice Skating: 10 Best Rink Outfits for 2024

                                What to Wear When Ice Skating: 10 Best Rink Outfits for 2024

                                Are you getting ready to ice skate at your local rink?

                                Well, if this is a concern, you want to look and feel good on the ice.

                                While, of course, being functional.  

                                Most people are unsure of what to wear when ice skating.

                                If you’re underdressed, you’re cold and fussy, leading to a bad experience on the rink.

                                Too much clothing and you’re limited in what you can do.  

                                If you’re not sure what to wear when ice skating, remember it should be the right mix of warm and functional.

                                If you’re indoors, you can wear fewer layers, but keep that in mind first before adding your own flair.  

                                In this post, we’ve come up with the 10 best rink outfits so you can show off both your skating skills and your fashion sense.

                                We’ll cover the essentials and give some outfit ideas that can inspire you to look amazing on the ice.  

                                Our Top Picks



                                Don’t worry; we aren’t talking about competition-level or Olympic costumes here.  

                                While it may turn heads at the rink, the style may not be appropriate. 

                                You may just be going to skate with some friends or check out a new rink with your family.  

                                Perhaps you’re starting ice skating classes, and you’re anxious about dressing for the occasion. 

                                For practice or pleasure, whatever you decide to wear, it all boils down to 3 main factors: comfort and mobility, warmth, and safety.   

                                 comfort and mobility

                                A. Comfort and Mobility 

                                Ice skating can be challenging, especially for newbies.

                                You want nothing that’s limiting your movement, so wearing clothing that’s comfortable is key. 

                                At the same time, the clothing should be stretchy and breathable, so you can glide along the ice without worrying about wardrobe malfunctions.  

                                Some common comfortable materials include long-sleeved shirts, leggings, and thin, long, comfortable socks.   

                                 B. Warmth and Layering 

                                As the name implies, ice rinks are... well... cold. Indoor ice rinks have more control over the temperature.  

                                These are often warmer than outdoor ice rinks that are at the mercy of the elements. Sometimes outside can be 50 degrees but feel like 40.  

                                Nothing can spoil a fun day on the ice like feeling uncomfortably cold, so confirm whether you’ll be inside or outside.

                                If you’re outside, check the weather for the time you’ll be at the rink.

                                If you’re indoors, you can get away with fewer layers, though you should still wear light gloves, long-sleeved shirts, and sweaters, along with jeans or leggings.  

                                Outdoor ice skating requires thicker materials or sometimes layering for added protection.  

                                You might require a base layer to keep your skin dry and a thicker sweater or sweatshirt.  

                                Then to protect yourself from the wind, a scarf, hat, or even earmuffs are appropriate.

                                Gloves can also come in handy but are optional if you think you can handle it.  

                                Your layers should not be so thick that you can barely move.

                                Besides, your internal temperature will rise as you burn calories ice skating.  

                                factors: comfort and mobility, warmth, and safety.   

                                C. Safety 

                                Falling is a part of ice skating, especially if you’re inexperienced. 

                                Most wipeouts won’t lead to serious injuries. 

                                But you’re more likely to experience scratches, bumps, and bruises without some added protection. 

                                For the experienced skater, this means long sleeves or leggings.

                                Younger or inexperienced skaters can benefit from elbow pads, knee pads, or even a helmet.  

                                We know it’s not too fashion-forward, but it’s better to be safe than sorry!  

                                Now let’s jump into what to wear when ice skating.

                                These outfits aim to cover these factors while tapping into your style.     

                                classic and timeless look

                                1. A Classic and Timeless Look 

                                Let’s start with the classic and timeless ice skating look; a simple pair of leggings and a cozy sweater.  

                                The leggings could be a solid, neutral color, allowing you to play around with the type and color of the sweater.

                                For guys, dark-colored jeans are an excellent option. 

                                Some sweater options include a chunky knit, merino wool blend, turtleneck, or half-zip sweater.  

                                Add a furry hat and scarf or a beanie to stay warm, giving you the perfect mix of comfort and style. 

                                Try these:

                                  For Men:

                                  2: Sporty and Functional 

                                  Ice skating is a sport, so why not dress for it?

                                  Sports brands have clothing for most disciplines, and skating is no exception.  

                                  Some common examples include long-sleeved hooded sweaters, fleece pants, leggings, or a full tracksuit from Nike, Puma, or Adidas.  

                                  Under the tracksuit, you can wear a thermal T-shirt, sports shirt, and gloves to keep your hands warm. 

                                  Add a sleeveless puffer jacket for warmth and style if you will be outside.  

                                  Here are some options:

                                  For Men:

                                  elegant and graceful

                                  3. Get Elegant and Graceful 

                                  Sometimes you want to exude elegance and grace, and ice skating is a great opportunity to do it. 

                                  You can take a page out of your favorite competitor, pairing a figure-skimming dress with matching leggings.  

                                  The dress should be light while still providing enough warmth and coverage. Some skaters like A-line dresses, while others go for wrap dresses.

                                  Adding elegance may mean glitter, sequins, or a timeless pattern on the front of the dress with matching opaque leggings.  

                                  Guys, don’t think you can’t be elegant too!

                                  Your preferred long-sleeved dress shirt, cardigan, or turtleneck paired with fleece pants or a comfy, stretch material are classy looks. 

                                  When it’s time for both of you to head outside, a larger scarf or fur shrug with warm gloves keeps you looking elegant.  

                                  Need some ideas?

                                  Try these:

                                  For men:

                                   4. Trendy and Edgy 

                                  Some younger skaters want to keep the latest trends in mind and are more concerned about edgy style than warmth. 

                                  That’s ok. 

                                  You can still mix your unique style with your skating look.

                                  High-waisted jeans, cargo pants, and furry ankle covers may be the order of the day. 

                                  Streetwear is all the rave. Include a statement piece from your favorite brand. 

                                  Trendy is all about individual style, so dress things up with earrings, scarves, or your favorite brand’s hat or beanie.  

                                  For Men: 

                                  cozy and cute

                                  5. Cozy and Cute 

                                  Some skaters want to focus on being warm and cozy, and that’s ok.

                                  However, it doesn’t mean you can’t look cute in the process.

                                  The solution?

                                  Jeans, a thick sweater, thick mittens, and a short jacket.  

                                  A hat or beanie keeps the chill away. 

                                  The objective with this style is layering, so make sure your middle layer keeps you warm and dry.

                                  This may be a turtleneck sweater.  

                                  You can accessorize with bold colors for a little contrast, like a bright-colored scarf, mittens, or hat.

                                  Cozy and cute is the go-to for families, especially those with young children.  

                                   For Men:

                                  6. Retro Vibes 

                                  What did ice skaters wear in the 70s and 80s?  

                                  Retro vibes do not mean Flower-Power dresses and bell bottoms. 

                                  For girls, pleated skirts and long-sleeved sweaters were in.

                                  The dresses you see in competitions were also the norm. 

                                  Guys wore jeans and cardigans with the occasional double-breasted sweater

                                  Some wore shirts and jeans with a long-sleeved sweater over the shirt, letting the collar show.  

                                  You can sprinkle in some retro in your rink outfits, including yellows and teals, colorful turtlenecks, and a retro-style leather ice skate.

                                  If the theme or vibe is 100% retro, mix in a headband, bandana, or some flared pants for that nostalgic touch. 

                                  For Men:

                                  the skating minimalist

                                  8. The Skating Minimalist 

                                  The opposite of glam, some people love to keep it simple with a minimalist look.

                                  You can still exude sophistication with an all-black sweatsuit.

                                  Dark-colored jeans and a turtleneck sweater can also portray a simple, minimalist look.

                                  If you have your own skates or want to buy one, add white boots for an interesting contrast. 

                                  For Men:

                                  9. Glamorous and Sparkly 

                                  Thinking about a little glam?

                                  You can integrate a sparkly outfit on the rink.

                                  A sequined top or dress will catch the light, or a sheer shirt will have everyone’s head turning.

                                  Add black leggings and your own leather skates to stand out. 

                                  If it’s still chilly, stay warm with a flashy jacket while still showing off your glitz and glam.

                                  For Men:

                                  practical yet versatile

                                  9. A Practical yet Versatile Option 

                                  Sometimes, knowing what to wear when ice skating has nothing to do with style.

                                  It’s all about being practical yet versatile.  

                                  The base should be all about warmth, like thermal leggings or pants. 

                                  Add fleece-lined sweaters, hoodies, or down jackets so you can stay warm and swap out layers based on the weather conditions

                                  For Men:

                                  10. A fun, colorful time on the ice 

                                  Want to stand out on the rink? You’ll turn heads and make sure that no one runs into you on the ice.  

                                  You can try a bright-colored sweatsuit or leggings in reds, greens, blues, or yellows.  

                                  A bright-colored dress with neutral leggings also falls within this category.  

                                  Guys can stand out with a bright, fun shirt, sweater, or puffer jacket.  

                                  This one is all about bucking the trend of neutrals like black, white, and grey.  

                                  For Men:

                                  factors: comfort and mobility, warmth, and safety.   

                                  What should you NOT wear when ice skating? 

                                  You’ll notice that most styles and forms of clothing are generally accepted.

                                  However, some pieces may be counterproductive to ice skating.  

                                  Ice skating generates heat and energy, so you don’t need long, thick jackets.

                                  These can slow you down and even increase the chances of falls.  

                                  Additionally, avoid really tight pants, such as skinny jeans, as these may limit your movement. 

                                  Furthermore, make sure you go with at least one layer.

                                  You can take it off if it gets too hot, and vice versa.  

                                  synthetic ice rinks

                                  What should you wear when skating on synthetic ice? 

                                  Have you ever skated on synthetic ice?

                                  It’s a unique polyethylene material designed to use your ice skates. 

                                  One of the biggest advantages of synthetic?

                                  It does not rely on cold weather and is sometimes used throughout the year. 

                                  Unless it’s outdoors during the winter, synthetic ice can function at room temperature in your garage or spare room.

                                  There are also commercial synthetic ice rinks in places like museums and malls.  

                                  If you know you’ll skate on a synthetic ice rink, you have much more flexibility in your outfit.  

                                  That means shorts, t-shirts, jeans, and lighter forms of clothing since synthetic ice also promises softer falls. 

                                  Once you confirm the rink won’t be too cold, have fun with it! 

                                  Skating with style 

                                  Did one of these looks catch your eye?

                                  Ice skating has several benefits.  

                                  It’s a great form of exercise; you can learn a new skill and connect with others.

                                  But it seems like we’ve uncovered another benefit; sharing your fashion sense! 

                                  Before you get dressed or hit the store, remember to focus on function, warmth, and safety.  

                                  You can also incorporate some of your favorite timeless pieces with one of the outfit styles we mentioned.  

                                  If you’re interested in ice skating, consider a synthetic ice rink starter kit to practice at home or improve your skills and test out your rink outfits! 

                                  When you look good, you feel good, which can translate into more confidence on the ice.